9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Virtual Meeting February 14, 2025

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on February 14, 2025.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link
Webinar number: 2662 051 2102
Webinar password: energy (363749 when dialing from a phone or video system)

Or join by phone:
+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll
Access code: 2660 058 3537
Pin: 363749

Meeting Materials

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9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Virtual Meeting January 10, 2025

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on January 10, 2025 at 9 a.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link
Webinar number: 2660 058 3537
 Webinar password: energy (363749 when dialing from a phone or video system)

 Or join by phone:
+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll
Access code: 2660 058 3537

Meeting Materials

Open Comment Period

Over the course of 2025, the Oregon Climate Action Commission (Commission), the Oregon Department of Energy, and other Commission agencies are working to complete several climate action deliverables. The Commission is seeking feedback on key activities and discussions the Commission should engage in during 2025 to inform the development of an annual work plan and agendas for upcoming meetings. 

The Commission will take public input on their draft 2025 Work Plan through 12:00 p.m., Friday January 24, 2025, and will develop a draft work plan for finalization in February. 

Please send input to OCAC@energy.oregon.gov by the January 24 deadline for consideration by the Commission. 

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission to Meet Virtually on October 15, 2024

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on October 15, 2024 at 1 p.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link
Webinar number: 2663 136 9154
 Webinar password: energy (363749 when dialing from a phone or video system)

 Or join by phone:
+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll
Access code: 266 313 69154

Meeting Materials

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Virtual Meeting September 17

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on September 17 at 1 p.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link: https://oregondepartmentofenergy.webex.com/oregondepartmentofenergy/j.php?MTID=m23f77da28064fca08968d9e28f5ada62
Webinar Access Code: 2663 935 0374
Password: energy (363749)
Or join by phone: 1-650-479-3208, Access Code: 266 393 50374
Some mobile devices may ask for a passcode as well: 363749

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Virtual Meeting August 1, 2024

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on August 1 at 1 p.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m015a1c4418068ee72e146b25cf12eb91
Webinar Access Code: 234 3854 1074
Password: 363749
Or join by phone: 1-408-418-9388, Access Code: 234 3854 1074
Some mobile devices may ask for a passcode as well: 363749

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Virtual Meeting June 11

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on April 16 at 1 p.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m1c57eeb27eb265e148c89c46e510cce7
Webinar Access Code: 2336 765 4436
Password: energy
Or join by phone: 1-408-418-9388, Access Code: 233 676 54436
Some mobile devices may ask for a passcode as well: 363749

Meeting Materials:

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1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Virtual Meeting April 16

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on April 16 at 1 p.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m4330904a2ef553bc096beeceb7545b51
Webinar Access Code: 2344 494 7969
Password: energy
Or join by phone: 1-408-418-9388, Access Code: 2344 494 7969
Some mobile devices may ask for a passcode as well: 363749

Meeting Materials:

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1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Meeting March 19, 2024 - Virtual

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet online on March 19 at 1 p.m.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m41de266944639388d3656de75193cc29
Webinar Access Code: 2349 958 5613
Password: energy
Or join by phone: 1-408-418-9388, Access Code: 2349 958 5613
Some mobile devices may ask for a passcode as well: 363749

Meeting Materials:

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10:00 AM10:00

Oregon Climate Action Commission Meeting - Virtual

Join the Oregon Climate Action Commission for its first meeting of 2024, and first meeting under the new Commission name.

Join online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

If you are unable to join online, you may join by phone. Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=md8f6f52306422b7e2b29f49880086d03
Webinar Access Code: 2338 799 4937
Password: energy
Join by Phone: 1-408-418-9388, Access Code 23387994937 Password: 363749#

Meeting Materials

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

Join this meeting online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Call in Information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Webinar number (access code): 2339 842 6215
Webinar password: energy (363749 from phones and video systems)

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mdedea1764dc040d7e27aec8118f8d015

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

Join this meeting online via WebEX by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address, and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mfc552ecdfff1ef36d0bf2b4b5f653fa6

Webinar number (access code): 2339 765 1008

Webinar password: energy (363749 from phones and video systems)

Call in Information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2339 765 1008
Event password: energy (363749 from phones and video systems)

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2347 249 9243
Event password: energy (363749 from phones and video systems)

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mfcd1b86720d7b234e133135ef025d6f2

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2330 270 6960
Event password: energy (363749 from phones and video systems)

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m89a253b7f5a178ba312a2630f37cdcd9

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2343 360 6924
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mda20c65c890faa708365485b86c40f0c

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2346 383 2684
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mcf0a7da0bafe2df3765146b268b5c74a

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2347 828 8262
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Link:

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link:

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2346 912 1422
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Materials

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m95fd15aeb712e8b0e03b22b5d90ca660 

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2339 653 2994
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Materials

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m85970cbbe3ec0a7ee3d34476effd07f3

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2347 433 1149
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
2:00 PM14:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m59d7a49aaacfc2838f8cc925574648ec 

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2346 587 0596
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m11ded783a487cafe60386b8487bad635 

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2351 980 5622
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Meeting Materials:

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mcae4b84256574aaeedcb00c49fac5fc2

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Phone number +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Event number (access code): 2336 735 0483
Event password: energy (363749 from phones)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

Meeting Materials

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mb57d0393908ce710e9b66081c9830c6c

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Event number (access code): 2348 461 4352
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,23397308642#363749# United States Toll

Meeting Materials

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m86e6c96778fc2a73ef916bbb9dd893f1

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Event number (access code): 2339 730 8642
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,23397308642#363749# United States Toll

Meeting Materials

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet virtually, Thursday, January 6, 2022 from 1 - 2:30 p.m.

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by clicking the link below (recommended method). You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Meeting Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=m774e7b102a366fe763a989496203329f

Event Password: Energy

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

United States Toll Free: 1-408-418-9388
Event number/Access code: 2337 810 1211

Meeting Materials

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet virtually, Monday, November 15, 2021.

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by registering via the link below. Registration does not open until meeting starts. You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Event Registration Link: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed66bc65daa008bcb82ee878b5ec2557a

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

United States Toll Free: 1-408-418-9388
Event number/Access code: 2347 534 9297

Meeting Materials

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet virtually, Wednesday, August 4, 2021.

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by registering via the link below. Registration does not open until meeting starts. You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Event Registration Link: https://oregonenergy.webex.com/oregonenergy/onstage/g.php?MTID=e6f32efff97e259dff9deef0e63b13733

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

United States Toll Free: 

Event number/Access code: 145 791 8614

Meeting Materials:

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet virtually, Friday, June 4, 2021.

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by registering via the link below. Registration does not open until meeting starts. You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Event Registration Link: : https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/onstage/g.php?MTID=e6778847ea2335306f4ba342bb49b8c96

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.

United States Toll:

Access code: 129 832 3668

Meeting Materials:

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet virtually, Friday, May 7, 2021.

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by registering via the link below. Registration does not open until meeting starts. You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Event Registration Link: : https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/onstage/g.php?MTID=eeb10725dfd39abc7a4f619382a085433

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code.
+1-503-388-9555 United States, Portland
Access Code/Meeting Number: 179 837 9091

Meeting Materials:

Meeting Audio

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Oregon Global Warming Commission Meeting - Virtual

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet virtually, Friday, April 16, 2021.

OGWC Meeting- Virtual WebEX Event
You can join the WebEX Event as an attendee by registering via the link below. Registration does not open until meeting starts. You will be asked to enter your first and last name, email address and then click the Submit button to be connected to the meeting.

Event Registration Link: : https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/onstage/g.php?MTID=eb0b477e4811982d91a93d585b7ff5e73

Call in information: Call the number below and enter the access code.
+1-503-388-9555 United States, Portland
Access Code/Meeting Number: 179 837 9091

Meeting Materials

Meeting Audio

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